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Together Leeds

Helping with the cost of living.


In Leeds, you canaccess free, confidential and impartial help and advice from the Money Information Centreon a range of money related matters such as debt, money, energy and utilities.


Get health advice and information to help keep you well this winter.

Get health advice and information to help keep you well this winter

Food – emergency foods

Different types of food support are available for anyone in Leeds experiencing difficulties in accessing food.


Get help and find schemes available to support you with your water bill through Yorkshire Water.

Get help and find schemes available to support you with your water bill through Yorkshire Water

Welcome Spaces

Welcome spaces are places where people can gather for free in a warm safe place.

Welcome spaces are places where people can gather for free in a warm safe place

Help at the hubs

Find free, confidential and tailored support and information under one roof at one of the 26 community hubs across Leeds.

Find free, confidential and tailored support and information under one roof at one of the 26 community hubs across Leeds


If you’re struggling to find the right job, or need to develop your skills,advice and support is available from Employment and Skills Leeds.

advice and support is available from Employment and Skills Leeds


Find information and advice if you have problems with your rented council or private home, or are worried about losing your home.

Find information and advice if you have problems with your rented council or private home, or are worried about losing your home


Find advice and information on grants to help make sure you can afford to keep your home warm.

Find advice and information on grants to help make sure you can afford to keep your home warm